本文对喷水推进船舶喷流的流场作了研究 ,并就高速喷水推进船舶倒车装置的水动力性能进行了理论分析。在不同流速及舵角的情况下 ,对蝶形倒车斗作了一系列的模型试验。文中探讨了对试验结果分析的一种近似方法 ,即利用流体力学中的相似理论 ,将试验值换算成实船倒车装置上的受力。将实船值与动量定理计算出的理论值相比较 ,可以得出理论计算时应考虑的倒车装置受力损失 。
Flow field of jet stream of high speed waterjet propulsion unit is analyzed in this paper. Also hydrodynamic performance of several typical reversing gears is analyzed and calculated. A series of model experiment were done on butterfly reversing buckets at different velocity of flow and different rudder angles. An approximation method on experimental results is presented, which converts experiment value into full scale value by utilizing similarity theory of fluid mechanics. Comparing full scale value with theoretical calculation result, we can obtain stress loss of reversing gear. Sequentially reversing gear can be optimally designed. The experiment data and analysis method in this paper is helpful for reversing gear design.
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