挖泥船周边水域原水混浊、多泥沙杂质 ,致使传统的柴油机原水冷却循环淡水系统的设备和管路有诸多弊端。柴油机淡水舷外 (侧 )冷却方式是一种解决上述问题、且又可节能、经济的有效措施。本文就舷侧冷却器和柴油机冷却系统的设计、安装等作出论述 ,介绍了“百船工程”之“35 0 m3/h斗轮挖泥船”实船应用概况以供参考。
The water around the dredge is muddy and full of impurities, causing a lot of troubles to the equipment and pipes of traditional diesel engine cooling water system. The new shell side diesel fresh water cooling method is a measure that can solve these problems and save energy. This paper discusses the design and installation of shell side cooler, and introduces the general information of a full scale ship application on the 350 m 3/h bucket wheel dredge built under 'Hundred dredger newbuilding program'.
Ship & Boat