1998年 1 0月至 2 0 0 0年 6月进行的冬小麦大干旱综合防御技术集成试验表明 ,充足的底墒水、深耕、秸杆翻压还田、秸杆覆盖、喷施防旱剂和有限灌溉等是防御冬小麦干旱、减少土壤水分无效消耗的有效措施 ,对小麦叶面积、干物重和产量形成有明显的影响。综合运用以上措施 ,可使冬小麦增产 1 0 %以上 ,水分利用效率提高 30 %以上 ,每公顷增收节支 50 0~ 80 0元。
The experiment of multiple drought preventing techniques for winter wheat was conducted in October of 1998 to June of 2000.It is shown that abundant soil moisture,deep ploughing,returning corn straw into soil,straw mulching,spraying drought preventing agent and limited irrigation are effective measures to prevent drought in the growing season of winter wheat and increase yield.Thus,the yield of winter wheat can be increased by over 10% and water utilization ratio increased by over 30%,and the economic benefit increased by 500-800 yuan per hectare.
Meteorological Monthly