美国教育史研究经过 2 0世纪几代教育史研究者的努力取得了丰硕的成果。本文对2 0世纪美国教育史研究进行了历史的回顾 ,认为美国教育史研究肇始于 19世纪末 2 0世纪初 ,30年代进步主义和社会改造主义运动时期教育史研究出现危机 ,4 0年代教育社会基础理论的创立时期教育史研究开始徘徊和遭受挫折 ,4 0年代后期教育史研究在曲折中前进 ,5 0年代后期教育史研究出现新曙光———新教育史学的滥觞 ,70年代新教育史学面临新的挑战 。
The essay looks historically back the research on the American educational history in the 20th century, it feels that the history of American education rose in the end of the 19th century and the early 20th century, and took the crisis during the progressive and social reconstruction period in the 1930s, underwent wandering and being suffered from the frustration in the period of the initiation of the theory of educational social foundation, proceeded in the 1940s, appeared in light in the late 1950s—advent of the new educational history, be confronted with the new challenges and arisen with new trends in the 1970s
Tsinghua Journal of Education