劳伦斯惯用自然意象作为象征来传情达意 ,作为自然的代表 ,它们象征着希望、自由和生命力 ,与扼杀人性、桎梏自由的工业文明相对峙。这在小说《虹》中更为突出 ,劳伦斯借助对自然景物的描写来暗示人物心理、推动情节发展 ,景物与情感相结合 ,深刻揭示人物心理。月亮和彩虹是小说的主要意象 ,多次重复 ,前后呼应 ,贯穿始终 ,对于揭示主题、刻画人物有重要作用。
Lawrence is famous for his habitual use of natural imagery as symbol to convey feelings and ideas.As the products of nature,the images are made embodiment of hope,freedom and life on the contrary to industrial civilization which dehumanizes people and deprives them of freedom. ln his novel The Rainbow ,The discription of natural images helps depict the characters′ inner activities and pushes the story forward the fusion of feelings and things to a large extent deepens the characterization and the theme of the novel.And the string use of the moon and rainbow images which appear and reappear throughout the plots is of great significance in the characterization and the theme of the novel.
Journal of Shijiazhuang Teachers College