“自主成长”型课外活动是“学、教、研”相结合教学模式的构成部分 ,该活动的关键是创设适合学生“自主成长”的有效运行机制 ,构筑新的教育理念、活动载体、实践环节、评价体系以及制度化管理 ,形成学生自主成长的发展机制 。
The initiative growing type extracurricular activities are a teaching pattern combining learning,teaching and researching.The essentials of the activities are to create an effective operating system suitable for the initiative growing of the students,to construct a new concept of education,an activity carrier,practice sectors,an appraisal system and management by regulations. Such can work to form a developing mechanism,thereby promoting the students' initiative growing.
Journal of Shijiazhuang Teachers College