农民收入增长减缓是由多方面的原因造成的 ,必须采取综合措施加以解决。关键是要加大对农村、农业和农民的扶持力度 ,调整农业产业、产品结构 ,不断拓宽农业产业化经营领域 ,深化流通体制改革 ,为农产品顺利流通扫清障碍 ,加速农村城市化建设 ,大力发展二、三产业 ,搞活乡镇企业和个体私营经济 ,解决农村剩余劳动力的转移问题 ,并采取有效措施从根本上减轻农民负担。
There are many factors that contribute to the sluggishness in the increase of fermenrs' income.Thus,comprehensive measures should be taken.It is crucial to enhance the aid for the rural areas,agriculture and farmers,and to restructure agricultural industry and production.It is also important to extend the industrialization and management of agriculture,to promote the reformation in circulation system and the urbanization of the countryside.It is vital to invigorate rural and private enterprises and to redistribute the surplus labor force in the countryside.And,offective measures should be taken to relieve the farmer's burden essentially.
Journal of Shandong University of Science and Technology(Social Sciences)