审视西方伦理学关于责任根据问题的理论 ,在责任存在的根据上 ,有身份论、契约论和自然论三种观点 ;在履行责任的根据上 ,有德性论、功利论和命令论三种观点 ;在承担责任的根据上 ,有自由论和决定论两种观点。它们各有其解释能力和适用范围。当前我国普遍存在的责任 (感 )的缺失固然具有多方面的原因 ,但都与责任根据的转换与失序相关 ,因此只有全面地、辩证地把握责任的根据 ,才能为责任 (感 )
This paper analysed the theories of responsibility grounds in the history of Western ethics from three aspects. Of the grounds of existing responsibility, the theory of identity holds that responsibility roots in the subject's fixed identity in the social system of labour division, the theory of contract does in the contractual relation between free individuals, and naturalism in the subject's true human nature working as a personality. Of the grounds of responsibility performance, the theory of virtue attributes it to individual's inner and particular virtue, does utilitarianism to one's external utilitarian goal, and the theory of imperative to the general imperative which is non\|individual and non\|utilitarian. As for the grounds of bearing responsibility, libertarianism considers freedom as prerequisite and basis to bear responsibility, whereas determinism regards necessity. Each of these theories has its own applicability and limits. Today, only through a comprehensive and dialectical understanding of responsibility grounds, can we lay a theoretical foundation for the revival of the sense of responsibility.
Journal of Hangzhou Teachers College(Humanities and Social Sciences)
grounds of responsibility
grounds of existing responsibility
grounds of responsibility performance
grounds of bearing responsibility