从植物学特征、生长与结果习性等方面 ,对新乡市优选的“金光杏梅”( golden Plum)进行了细致地研究。结果表明 :“金光杏梅”是一种介于杏与李之间的中间类型 ,更进一步推断是杏与李的自然杂交实生后代。该类型具有很强的栽培性和抗逆性 ,早丰产性强 ,且产量稳定 ,果实品质优良 ,果形端正 ,色泽艳黄 ,是颇有发展前途的优良杂果类。并分析了栽培特点及栽培中应注意的问题 。
Analysis were conducted on botanical characters,growth and fruiting habits of 'Golden Plum'.The results showed that 'Golden Plum'was a medium cultivar between apricot and plum and then was deduced be the natural chance seedling progeny of them.It was a puomising drupaceous fruit and had the evident puolificacy,precocity,stable yield,good fruit quality,strong resistance to the adverse conditions.The characters and the possible problems of its cultural practice were also discussed in the paper.
Journal of Henan Vocation-Technical Teachers College