目的 研究激光视网膜损伤前后视网膜电图的改变及甲基强的松龙 (m ethyl-prednisolone,MP)对损伤前后视网膜电图的二项指标 (最大反应和 OPs)的影响 ,进而从生理指标上评价 MP对视网膜激光损伤的保护作用。方法 32只北京青紫蓝兔随机分成对照、治疗 2组。观察其激光损伤前后 2组视网膜电图的最大反应和 OPs变化。结果 2组动物激光损伤前的视网膜电图比较无差异 ,损伤后 3d内的视网膜电图二项指标亦无差异 ,其后 2组间对应时间点的视网膜电图的二项指标有明显差异。结论 实验表明
Objective To study the ERG changes before and after retinal injuries induced by laser and the efficiency of methylprednisolone(MP) for preventing the injuries. Methods Thirty two healthy pigmented rabbits were randomely divided into two groups:the control group( group A)and the treatment group(group B).The ERG (dark adaptation mixed response and oscillatory potential) was monitored from pre exposure and 1,24 hours and 3,7,14,30 days post exposured.Results In post laser,the amplitude of a wave and b wave of the two groups indicated significant decreases.At 1,24 hours after photocoagulation, the amplitude of a waves and b waves of the two groups were not different.After three days of the post exposured, the amplitudes of the two groups had significant difference.The latency time of post A were not prolonged than that of the post B. Conclusion Hight dose of MP shows an overall beneficial effect to the laser injury on retina.
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