为探讨减少药液丢失的操作方法 ,了解护理人员对输液过程中药液丢失问题的认识 ,用直接观察和采访调查相结合的方法 ,对本地区 182名护理人员于输液过程中药液丢失问题的认识进行了解和分析。并采用随机抽样的方法 ,按不同职称随机抽取 80名护理人员 ,并分为两组 ,每组进行 10 0例次静脉输液。对照组采用常规静脉输液操作。研究组采用两次溶解抽吸药液、不全插入输出针头、过滤器水平位排气、提高输液瓶增加管内压的方法进行输液。比较两组静脉输液中药液丢失量。结果 :研究组药液丢失量为用药量的 2 .69% ,对照组为 11.67% ,两组药液丢失量差异有统计学意义 (P <0 .0 5 )。提示 :临床静脉输液过程中药液丢失问题较严重 ,改进后的静脉输液方法 。
To discuss manipulations on how to decrease medicated fluid loss, to know the understanding of nurses on medicated fluid loss during fluid infusion, understanding on medicated fluid loss during fluid infusion of 182 nurses were analyzed. Among them, 80 nurses of different professional post were randomly selected and divided into both test and control groups. Nurses of each group performed 100 cases/times of venous medicated fluid infusion. In control group, nurses performed as routinely. In test group, methods including dissolution and aspiration of the medicated solution in twice, incompletely inserted the output needle, filter horizontal exhaustion, and elevate the fluid bottle to increase the intratubal pressure were adopted. A comparison on the amounts of medicated fluid loss during fluid infusion in the two groups was made. Results showed that in terms of the amounts of fluid loss, there was statistical difference between the two groups (P<0.05). Suggested that medicated fluid loss is a serious problem in clinical venous fluid infusion. By modifying the method of fluid infusion, it can effectively decrease the medicated fluid loss effectively.
Chinese Nursing Research
Venous fluid infusion
Medicated fluid loss
Related factors