目的 :研究别嘌醇作为添加剂治疗难治性癫痫 (IE)的临床疗效与安全性。方法 :选自 1992~ 2 0 0 0年IE 5 8例 ,加用别嘌醇进行开放性自身对照研究 ,原服用的抗癫痫药 (AEDs)种类和剂量不变 ,以加用别嘌醇前 6个月的月发作频率为基线与治疗后 6个月的发作频率进行比较 ,常规计算发作改变百分率、有效率和脑电图好转率。结果 :发作改变百分数较加用前减少 6 7% (P <0 0 1) ,总有效率 5 8 6 2 % ,反应率为 5 0 % ,脑电图总有效率 6 8% (38/ 5 6 )。其临床疗效为全身强直———阵挛发作 (GTCs) >强直性发作 (Ts) >复杂部分性发作 (CPs) >单纯部分性发作 (SPs)。结论
Objective:To study the efficacy and satefy of Allopurinol(Ap)use as an open add on therapy for treatment of intractable epilepsy(IE).Methods:From 1992 to 2000,An open add on control study with Ap as adjunctive therapy,original therapy with antiepileptic drugs.The efficacy assesments compared with the average frequency per month(AFM),including each and total types of seizures,during of above 6 months with the baseline(6 months before Ap add on),treament phase and AFM of the 6 months baseline period.Efficacy criteria were percentage of change in seizure frequency(PCH),efficacy rate,improved rate of EEG.Results:Compared with the AFM of 6 months baseline,overall PCH was reduced 67%(p<0 01),total effective rate was 58 62%,response rate was 50%,improve rate of EEG 68%(38/56).According the orders of response,they were GTCs,Ts,Cps,Sps.Conclusion:Add on therapy of Ap in one of the favorate choice for the patients with IE.
Henan Journal of Practical Nervous Diseases