目的 掌握长沙空港口岸蜚蠊本底情况,为控制检疫传染病和监测传染病的传播提供科学依据。方法 于2001年3月至11月对长沙空港口岸的蜚蠊进行了本底调查。结果共捕获蜚蠊782只,隶属2科3属5种;种群构成以美洲大蠊为优势种;多分布于居民家中,主要栖息于各类厨房食口柜、丰板缝及洗碗池下等阴暗潮湿隐蔽场所;年平均密度指数为17.10;7~8月是蜚蠊活动的高峰期密度指数分别为36.42和43.11。侵害率以居民家及旅馆类企业最高均为100%。结论 为控制和消灭因蜚蠊而传播的疾病发生,应根据长沙空港口岸特点,加快建筑物及防蟑设施改造,改变机场附近居民不良卫生习惯,大力开展灭蟑防病工作,保护人体健康。
Objective To realize the background condition of Blattella in Changsha airport and to provide science bases for control and surveillance of quarantine infectious disease. Method The background condition of in Changsha airport was carried out from March to November in 2001. Result 782 blattella were capotured, they were resided resided respectively in 2 families, 3 genera and 5 species. The preponderant species of species composing was P. Americana. The average density index in year was 17. 10. The peak times of blattella activity were July and August. Their indices were 36.42 and 43.11 respectively . Conclusion In the interest of control and eliminate diseases spread by blattella, these were necessary to quicken rebuild of structure and to remodel badness sanitation habit of resident.
Port Health Control