三维空间医学图像处理通常需要由各向异性的断层图像数据插值出各向同性的体数据 .提出一种基于物质分类的匹配插值方法 ,在两幅原始图像一定窗口区域内选取尽可能属于同种密度物质的候选点对 ,再根据特征相似性判据找到最佳匹配点对插值 .该方法可以获得清晰的灰度插值图像 。
Three- dimensional im ages are now generally formed by stacking a contiguous sequence of two- dimensional slices. Typically,the spacing between slices is greater than that between pixels on a slice. A m ethod to transform the slices into an isotropic volume data set is proposed. 3D data are first classified into different matters, and then correspondence is established between pixels of the same matter in consecutive slices. The best m atching pairs in these corresponding pixels are searched for using som e m atching rules,and interpolation between the two pixels of each pair is carried out. The m ethod can effectively improve the interpolation quality,especially m ore clear scene at the boundary between different m atters are obtained in comparison with traditional interpolation methods.
Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics
国家"八六三"高技术研究发展计划 (863 -3 0 6-ZD13 -0 3 -6)资助