经理股票期权同职工持股作为两种激励方式各有利弊。前者激励力度和效果要大于后者 ,但存在着认识上的障碍、法规之间的冲突和操作上的困难 ;后者虽不存在上述所有问题 ,但并不适用于所有企业 ,缺乏普遍推广的现实基础。因此 ,两种激励方式都有一定的局限性 ,在实施时要有选择地使用。
Handling stock option and employees' stock holding, being regarded as two stimulating methods, have both weak points and strong points, of which the former is more powerful and more effective than the latter, nevertheless there exists hindrance in acknowledgement, contradiction in laws and regulations, and difficulty in operation; while the latter , though does not have the above problems, is not fit to all enterprises, hence lack the realistic foundation to widely application. So the two methods should be selectively put into use since both contain limitations.
Journal of GuangXi Cadres College of Economic and Management