市场经济是信用经济 ,各经济主体之间的信用关系是所有经济活动的基础。对信托业而言 ,信用更是赖以生存和发展的根本。中国信托业虽有经济体制等多方面因素的影响 ,但当今社会信用不足和信用不良是中国信托业陷入困境的深层次根源。所以 ,加强社会信用基础建设 ,进而完善各项信托制度 ,是重振中国信托业的关键。
Market economy is credit economy; credit relationship between economic subjects is the foundation of all economic activities. Credit is the foundation for the existence and development of trust industry. Apart from economic system, the current credit inadequacy and credit default are the deep-seated causes for Chinese trust industry predicament.
Journal of GuangXi Cadres College of Economic and Management