本文提出了两种边界元网格自动剖分新方法:表面展开法和投影法;介绍了一种通用三维边界元三角形网格自动剖分软件 MESHBEM。实践表明,表面展开法和投影法是边界元网格自动剖分的两种有效算法,特别是投影法,它适用于任意形状的单值曲面,并能得到较理想的剖分网格。MESHBEM 是一种性能较强的边界元软件包前处理程序。
This paper presents two new methods of triangular mesh generation on curved surfaces,i.e.unfolding surface method and projection drawing method. A general program for three dimensional boundary clement mesh generation is introduced.The unfolding surface method is very easy to implement and the projection drawing method has high generality.The program is a good pre-pro- cessor for BEM package.Several examples are given.