提出了采用改进后的发生炉煤气 (工业用 )来实现以煤代油 ,是解决我国煤多油少矛盾的有效途径。这种炉为常压 (0 .0 6MPa) ,其强度高达 110 0kg (m2 ·h) (常规发生炉煤气的强度最高达380kg m2 ·h) ,煤种适应性广 ,煤气热值低 ,但比常规的发生炉煤气的热值要高 (约提高 10 % ) 。
This article describes the valid method to solve the problem of more coal lessoil in our country by using the improved gas generator (for using in industy) to achieve coal replace oil this generator is in normal condition (0306 MPa),its strength highs to 1100kg/(m 2·h) (standard is no more than 380kg/m 2·h),suitable toalmost all kinds of coal,low gas heat value,but some higher than standard gas generator's (about 10% higher),completely suitable for using in industry
Energy Conservation