对唐家庄热电有限责任公司的UG 35 3 82、M1 7型循环流化床锅炉 ,由于燃料设计不符造成的产汽量不足、主蒸汽温度低以及回料器不能正常返料等问题进行了分析 ;为了适应燃用煤矸石的要求 ,对燃烧系统、回料器及高温过热器等进行了改造 ,经过一年的运行 ,各项技术指标达到了改造设计的要求 ,经济效益显著 ,达到了预期的效果。
Analysis given on the UG 35/3.82 M17 CFBC regarding its insufficient steam generated, lower steam temperature, and in normal fuel circulation due to the in accordance of present coal specification with that original designed. To be suitable to combust coal refuse, the fuel system, fuel circulator and high temperature supper heater were converted, on one year operation of which, all technical indices met those in conversion design, giving notable economic benefit and expected performance.
Coal Processing & Comprehensive Utilization