在明末清初 ,词坛上存在着一股浓厚的尊柳之风 ,“作者非冶容不言 ,选者非目佻不录”。但到康熙初年 ,词坛风气开始发生蜕变 ,出现了批评冶艳词风和抨击学习柳词的思想倾向 ,它的代表人物就是毛先舒。康熙中叶以后 ,柳永词在清代词坛的影响趋于衰退 ,以朱彝尊为代表的浙西派主张师法南宋 ,试图以姜夔。
In the last Ming dynasty and early Qing dynasty ,there was an trend of honouring LIU Yong in the literary world , the author don't write except love poems in a flowery style, the editor don't elect except love poems in a flowery style. In the early year of Kangxi, there was an new trend of criticizing love poems and attacking studying LIU Yong . Its main person was MAO Xian\|shu.After the middle period of Kangxi , the affect of LIU Yong peotry gradually decrease in the literary world of Qing dynasty .The poets of Zhexi school such as ZHU Yi\|zhun claimed to study South Song dynasty, tried to pursuing the clear or pure ethos in stead of the writing love poems because studying Liuyong.
Wuhan University Journal (Humanity Sciences)