叶芝诗歌以东方神秘主义的象征著称于世。玫瑰、狮身人面怪、天鹅和螺旋是叶芝诗歌中具有凸现主题意义的意象。其来源有二 ,对《旧约圣经》抒情诗风格的继承是叶芝诗歌抒情性的直接来源 。
W.B. Yeats, Irish poet, whose poetry is well known for the symbols of Eastern mysticism. Rose, Sphinx, gyre and swan are images that highlight the themes of his poetry. His poetry is also famous for the strong lyrical quality, which has sources as follows. To inherit the lyrical tradition started by the Old Testament is the direct sources. The imitation of Chinese and Japanese poetry under the guidance of Eastern mysticism is the indirect sources.
Wuhan University Journal (Humanity Sciences)