中国现行的经济体制与WTO的要求还存在不小的差距 ,需要继续改革和完善 ,建立与国际惯例接轨的市场经济制度。在相关涉外经济法规方面 ,主要涉及货物贸易、外商投资与服务贸易、知识产权与技术贸易。
There is much gap between China's current economic system and the requirements of the WTO. China's current economic system needs to be reformed and perfected. Marketing economy system must be set up in line with international practice. In the foreign economic laws and decrees of China, laws and decrees must be revised and improved involving trade of goods, foreign investment, service trade, intellectual property, technology trade, foreign administrative management.
Journal of Yuzhou University(Social Sciences Edition)