曾以诗集《预言》和散文集《画梦录》享誉中国三十年代文坛的何其芳 ,虽不能算是文学大家 ,却以其独特的风格而备受读者的青睐 ,甚至对不少文学青年产生了深远的影响。何其芳的一生经历了巨大的转变 ,对于他的转变有人认为不可理喻 ,但只要对其生活经历加以考察 ,并结合文学发展的背景 。
In the Chinese literary circle of the 30s, He Qifang was well-known for his poetry 'Prophesy' and Prose 'Records of Dreams'. He might not be a master in literature. But his special writing style was very popular among the readers, and even had great influence upon young writers. He changed greatly in his writing style. We can find out the reason for his change from his life experience and background of the development of literature in his time.
Journal of Yuzhou University(Social Sciences Edition)