李贽在文学理论上提出了“童心说” ,在诗歌创作中也实践着自己的文学主张。他的诗歌以抒发真实的思想感情为主要内容 ,自述身世 ,咏物抒怀 ,亲情流露 ,甚至事佛之作 ,都服务于思想感情的表达。诗歌语言通俗朴实 ,以“俗”见长。诗歌形式不拘 。
Li Zhi established, in terms of the theory of literature, his hypothesis of 'the poet possessing the heart of a child' and put his theory into practice. The account of one's own life and the expression of one's emotion with odes to things in his poems are mainly concerned with the demonstration of true feelings. The language of his poems is simple. The form of his poems is flexible.
Journal of Henan University(Social Sciences)