
论自治权的法理基础 被引量:20

Basis of Legal Principle of the Power of Autonomy
摘要 本文从五个方面探索自治权的法理基础 ,认为自治权是专属于民族自治地方自治机关的一项公权力 ,公平与正义、平等与自由、发展权原则是民族区域自治的自治权确立的学理根据。论文分析了自治权与主权、自主权、自决权的关系 ,认为当主权国家没有建立 (或出现 )时 ,民族自治权含有主权和自决权的内涵。主权国家建立后 ,少数民族成为主权国家的成员 ,于是自治权就成为国内少数民族享有的 ,在国家主权管辖下的管理本民族、本地区内部事务的自主权。因此 ,自治权与自主权是相联系的 ,自治权是自主权的体现形式。而自决权的本意是“人民自决权” ,是殖民地人民和遭受外国军事占领的国家的人民的一项权力 ,并不是指主权国家内少数民族的权力 ,汉语中的“民族自决权”其实是一种误译 ,同时 。 This thesis pribes into the basis of legal principle of power of autonomy from five aspects. It points out that power of autonomy is a public right specially belonging to the autonomous organizations of national autonomous regions and fairness and justice, equality and freedom, principle of right of development are the bases of scientific principle of the establishment of power of autonomy of regional national autonomy. It analyzes the relationships of power of autonomy, sovereignty, power of self-management and right to self-determination and thinks power of national autonomy contains the contents of sovereignty and right to self-determination when the sovereign state has not been founded. After the founding of sovereign state, the minority nationalities become members of the sovereign state and power of autonomy becomes power of self-management of the minority nationalities administered by state sovereignty to manage the nationality and its internal affairs. So power of autonomy and power of self-management have some relationships with each other and power of autonomy is the manifestation of power of self-management. However, the original meaning of right to self-determination is right of the people's self-determination and right of national self-determination in Chinese is a wrong translation, which is the right of the people in colony or in the country invaded by foreign military forces instead of the right of minority nationalites in a sovereign state. Meanwhile, establishment of power of autonomy is the embodiment of Marxist principle of equality of all nationalities.
作者 张文山
机构地区 广西大学法学院
出处 《西南民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2002年第7期1-15,共15页 Journal of Southwest University for Nationalities(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
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