市场经济很大程度上促进了人本身的发展。它增强了人的独立性和主体性 ,使人的价值和各种潜能不断得到实现 ,人的个性越来越丰富多彩 ,人的社会化程度不断得到提高。就人的全面发展而言 ,市场经济把市场经营及市场机制的运作建立在人的需要的满足和利益实现的基础上 ,这为经济发展和社会进步寻找到了动力 ,成为社会发展和人的发展不可逾越的历史阶段。
Marketing economy, to a large extent, has contributed much to the development of an individual; strengthened his independency, subjectivity and the actualization of a person's value and potentials; enriched his personality, improved his freedom, liberation and socialization gradually. As far as an individual's development is concerned, marketing economy provides him a good chance to better and develop himself.