20世纪后 2 0年 ,中国学术界对 5 0~ 70年代排斥否定传统研究方法、自然科学方法、人文主义方法的现象进行了全面、深刻的检讨 ,从而恢复了这三大方法在人文社会科学研究中的地位 ,并因此对 2 1世纪的人文社会科学研究产生了深远而积极的影响。这一检讨所蕴涵的关于处理研究方法关系。
During the late 20 years of the 20th century, the academic circle in China developed an overall and deep self criticism over those phenomena of exclusion, negation of the traditional research method, natural scientific method and humanistic method from the 1950s~1970s. Thus the resumption of the above three major ways in humanistic research has been exerting deep far reaching and active influence on social sciences research and the self criticism, which entails the wisdom of dealing with and application of research method, will be of eternal value.