文化旅游是当今国际旅游的新趋势、新潮流 ,而民族歌舞是民族文化的精髓所在。云南民族歌舞旅游产品开发有重大意义。云南民族歌舞生动地反映了云南各少数民族从人类起源 ,到社会历史发展过程中的生产生活、宗教信仰、民族性格、审美情趣、风俗习惯等社会生活的各个方面。了解一个民族的歌舞 ,就能从一个侧面了解该民族的文化精髓与奥妙。
Cultural tourism has become a new trend and fashion, and folk song and dance is the quintessence of national culture. It's very important for Yunan province to explore folk song and dance. It vividly reflects the history of development, living and production, religions, national characteristics, aesthetic conceptions, customs of all the nationalities in Yunan. Understanding of song and dance of a nationality will help man appreciate its cultural quintessence. The article mainly covers artistic features, principles and ideas of development, and marketing of tourism products of folk song and dance in Yunan.
Journal of Northwest Minorities University(Social Sciences)