提出了电力市场条件下综合报表系统的设计原理和实现方法。该报表系统是在 UNIX/Linux环境下 ,基于 OSF Motif实现的类 MSExcel电子表格系统。系统设计方法体现了核心与应用无关的组合软件工程的设计思想 ,具备真正的通用性 ;在风格与功能上力求与 MS Excel兼容 ,延长软件生命周期 ;采用 C/ M/ S三层结构、分布式计算技术、面向对象和组件技术 ,具有很好的可扩展性 ;为报表数据提供回归计算等分析模块 ,具有一定的数据挖掘功能。该报表系统已经在电力市场技术支持系统中应用。
The design principles and implementing method of an integrated report system under the electricity market condition are presented. This report system is electronic form realized based on UNIX/Linux operating systems and OSF/Motif libraries and is similar to Microsoft Excel. The design idea of modular software engineering adopted has genuine generality with the nucleus of the system independent of its applications. Efforts have been made to make the system compatible with MS Excel in style and function with the lifecycle of the software prolonged. The structure of client/middleware/server, distributed computing, object-oriented and modular techniques are adopted. With very good expandability and definite data-tapping potential, this system can provide the report data with analytic and some junior knowledge mining techniques such as regression analysis. This report system has been used in the electricity market operation system.
Automation of Electric Power Systems