目的 :建立体外培养原代鼠动脉内皮细胞 (RAEC)的方法 ,并对培养的细胞进行鉴定 ,为研究血管疾病打下基础。方法 :组织块法分离 RAEC,用含胎牛血清的 M199营养液培养。相差显微镜、电镜、免疫组化 ABC方法进行鉴定。结果 :分离的 RAEC体外培养一周左右可成长单层 ,光镜下为扁平多角形 ,呈铺路石子状排列。电镜可见内皮细胞特性。免疫染色 因子相关抗原阳性。结论 :所培养的细胞为 RAEC。
Objective:To establish a method for cultivating prinary RAEC in vitro and identify the cultural cells,so to make the basis for further study.Methods: The pieces of rat chest artery were cut and cultivated by M199 containing 20% fetal bovine serum.To identify the morphology of RAEC with the light microscope,electron microscope, and immumohistry.Results: Isolated RAECs grow to monolayer atter one week by cultivation in vitro.They present polygonal and arrange like pavementing stons under the light microscope.Correlation antigens of Ⅳ factor are positise by immunhistroy stain.Conclusion:The cultivated cells are proved to be RACE.
Journal of Baotou Medical College