目的 :通过对不同的幽门螺旋杆菌检测方法灵敏性和特异性进行比较 ,为临床提供一种检测幽门螺旋杆菌的最佳方法。方法 :在距幽门 5 cm区域取活组织并抽取静脉血 2 ml,采用 Gram染色法、快速尿素酶试验法、EL ISA法和PCR法分别检测幽门螺旋杆菌。结果 :Gram染色法、快速尿酶试验法、EL ISA法和 PCR法对幽门螺旋杆菌的检测灵敏性分别为 83.6%、88.4%、92 .9%、97.3% ,特异性分别为 78.3%、77.0 %、85 .0 %、87.5 %。结论 :4种方法中以 PCR检测法的灵敏性和特异性最高 ,抗体检测法次之。而检测结果与实际情况总符合率除 Gram染色法稍低外 ,其它 3种方法之间无明显差异。如果能采用两种检测手段同时检测 ,灵敏性则几乎可达到 10 0 %。
Objective:It was reported that H. Pylori is one of the high risk factors in chronic gastritis, ulcer, and gastric cancer. The aim of this study is to provide a useful method for detecting H. Pylori. Methods: 90 patients were detected H. Pylori with histology, urease testing, ELISA technique, and PCR technique. Rusults: The sensitivity of four methods is: histology (83.6%), urease testing (88.4%),ELISA technique (92.9%), and PCR technique (97.3%). The differential of four methods is histology (78.3%), urease testing (77.0%), ELISA technique (85.0%), and PCR technique (87.5%). Conclusion: PCR technique is the most sensitivity and differential method.If two methods are used at the same time, the sensitivity of detection of H. Pylori was almost achieved 100%.
Journal of Baotou Medical College
包头市医药卫生基金 (2 0 0 0 - 2 6)