本文在文献 7的基础上 ,利用多模压缩态理论研究了第Ⅰ种非对称两态叠加多模叠加态光场|ΨI(ab) >q的不等偶次幂Nj 次方Y压缩特性。结果发现 :当压缩幂次数Nj 为偶数时 ,态 |ΨI(ab) >q在一定条件下总可呈现出不等次幂Nj 次方Y压缩效应 :态 |ΨI(ab) >
In the paper,the properties of unequal-even-power N j-th power Y-squeezing in the first kind of asymmetrical multimode superposition state light field |Ψ I (ab) >q with the superposition of distinct two quantum states is studied in detail.It is found that if the squeezed power number N j is an even number,under some certain conditions the state |Ψ I (ab) >q can display the effects of unequal-power N j-th power Y-squeezing that changes periodically.the result of even-power N-th power Y-squeezing of state |Ψ I (ab) >q is only a particular example under the certain condition N j=N of this papers universal result.
Journal of Ankang Teachers College
渭南师范学院专项科研基金( 2 0 0 0 0 0 1)资助项目