大学阶段是人生成长的关键阶段 ,在新形势下如何加强和改进学生思想工作方法 ,加强对学生进行思想品德教育 ,是一个值得探讨、研究的问题。面对千姿百态的管理对象 ,思想工作方法应改传统灌输式的工作方法为告知式、集体活动式、具体帮助式、情境教育式 ,从而提高学生的认识问题、分析、解决问题的能力 。
College student is experiencing the most imporant time in his life. So it is worth discussing and studying how to improve thd ideological work apporach for college students and stress their ideological education in the fresh situation.With the absolutely different students to be managed, the traditional approach of instillation should be changed into informing, collective activity, concrete help and situational education. In this way, the students will improve their ability for understanding, analysis, solution, psychological endurance and their ideological quality.
Journal of Ankang Teachers College