目前 ,阅读教学的“根本”问题还没有解决好 ,造成语文教学效果和教学质量普遍不好的缘由是多方面的 ,但最主要、最直接的原因还是对传统教学法和“工具论”认识上的偏差、标准化考试的制约以及教学评估的误导。阅读教学应注重多读、多背、多思和多积累 ,才是抓住了“根本”。返璞归真 ,光大传统 。
It was the main reason that caused the decline of Chinese language teaching effect and quality, since the fundamental problem of reading comprehension teaching had not been solved. There were several aspects behind the reason, including the cognitive deviation to the traditional teaching method, the limitation of standard test and the misleading of the teaching evaluation. The right direction of reading comprehension teaching reform should be that carrying forward the traditional merits of reading comprehension teaching, focusingg on excessive reading, reciting, thinking and accumulation, that was the fundament of reading comprehension.
Journal of Tianjin Normal University(Elementary Education Edition)