指出电视新闻是用事实说话的 ,而电视新闻报道的很多事实 ,又都是以数字形式表现出来的 ,用数字进行新闻报道 ,可以避免人为的主观因素 ,使电视新闻报道更显客观、公正 ,更具有说服力 ;有的数字中隐含着新闻 ,这就要求记者要善于分析、研究数字 ,并能从数字变动的轨迹中找出新闻所在 ;在电视新闻报道中 ,如果数字运用得当 ,就能收到令人满意的效果。最后提出了运用数字进行报道的几种方法 ,以使新闻报道更加直观。
The essence of news report is being faithful to facts. The use of concrete numbers has become a highly desirable way of presenting a news report,which proves to be effective in avoiding the involvement of personal inclination and subjectivity. The important role that numbers play in news report requires journalists to become experts in analyzing figures to find potential news from changing numbers. This paper studies ways to use numbers properly in news reports to make the reports objective and specific.
Journal of Northeastern University(Social Science)