In both system and concept,rite and law were always closely related to each other in ancient China. From rite being all-embracing, rite being penetrated by law, and rite and law were the same thing in early history, to rite being the parent of law,and later, to the separation of law from rite, the historical process clearly illustrated the establishment and evolution of the basis and code of behavior supporting the social order in ancient times of China. Especially in the history since the Spring and Autumn period and the period of the Warring States, rite and law began to separate institutionally, and gradually became two sets of systems of rite and law, with different content, each playing a different role and function in social politics and life. The history of separation of rite and law lasted until the Ming and Qing dynasties ever since the Qin and Han dynasties. Its political significance is shown in the fact that in politics of all past dynasties, ruling by rite and ruliing by law enacted simultaneously had been the basic pattern to rule along with the rise and fall of every dynasty.
Journal of Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences