通过对不同地质体中微量元素含量对比及因子分析 ,明确成矿热液活动元素 ,区分不同地球化学类型的元素集群。研究表明 ,成矿热液活动源于花岗岩岩浆侵位 ,花岗岩浆期后热液及地下水在岩体热力驱动下构成了一个系统的矿化热液活动体系 ,对区内地层产生广泛的蚀变影响 ,形成矿体、热液活动脉体及矿化热液活动元素对围岩地层的改造。成矿热液活动体系为开放系统 ,运动方式以构造断裂导流为主 ,孔隙渗透为次。
According to the variation of trace element contents, this paper discusses the active elements involved in mineralization of the Gejiu tin deposits and identifies different geochemical types of element groups. Furthermore, the characteristics of hydrothermal process was studied. Most of the active elements involved in mineralization are typical elements of deuteric fluids, showing the mineralization is closely related to granites. As deuteric fluids mixed with underground water, and were driven by heat of granite in an open system, the hydrothermal fluids moved along fractures and permeated in the strata, forming ore bodies and hydrothermal veins, and exerted a strong influence on the trace element contents in the strata of this region.
云南省院省校合作项目 (2 0 0 0yk 0 5 )