The methods of valuation by fractal v olume (VFV)and valuation by integral volume (VIV)are commonly used in reserves calculation.Howev er,they can not be interchanged arbi trarily,because there is an essential difference between the two methods.For technic al reason,in the calculation of rese rves,first we usually divide a large ore body into several segments and calculate the volumes of each,and then work out the sum of the volumes as the bulk volu me of the ore body.In these calculation s,the simple volume formulae for a cone and a sectional conoid are applied,which result in a difference between the tw o methods.Theoretically,when a ore body whose shape is similar to a cross-section frustum of a cone is divided into some segments and the volume of the segmen ts or the whole body is worked out by th e sectional conoid volume formula,th e sum volume of all the segments worked out by VFV is smaller than the total volume value calculated by VIV.The differe nce is related to the number of the div ided segments.The larger the number is,the more remarkable the difference is.T herefore,the value of the reserves will be smaller as compared with the re ality.According to A.P.Prokofiev,the sum of the segment volumes must be checked with the whole volume of the integra l block of the same geological cross-s ection.It is necessary to rectify th e volume value worked out by VFV for each seg-ment so that the deviation could be re duced to minimum.Furthermore,the method and formula for rectification are developed.With that,the veracity f or the reserve calculation can be rem arkably improved,and the ore resour ces would be developed and utilized more economically and reasonably.
Geology and Resources
calculation of reserves
valuation by fractal volume
valuation by inte gral volume