随着信息技术突飞猛进的向前发展 ,人类已经进入了一个数字化、网络化的新时代。针对如何使现有的原本地质科技档案的管理工作适应新形势的要求 ,提出了对原本地质科技档案重新整编的原则、方法 ,以及能使原本地质科技档案符合规范化、标准化要求 ,以达灵活方便、事半功倍之目的。
The raw geological and technological records is a sorted original results formed during geological survey and production including regional geological survey, solid mineral geology, petroleum geology, marine geology, and hydrogeology, engineering geology, environmental geology, geophysical and geochemical exploration, remote sensing and geological investigation. In order to adapt to the requirement of rapid development of information technology, a new method which reorder the geological records is put forward to standardized all sorted geological files. So, the use of standardized files will be convenient and effective in practice.
Jiangsu Geology