入世给我国中小企业的发展带来了机遇与挑战。培育核心竞争力是其抓住机遇 ,应对挑战 ,走向成功的关键所在。文章在分析了我国中小企业面临困境的基础上 ,提出了培育我国中小企业核心竞争力 ,促进我国中小企业发展的方法和措施。
Both opportunities and challenges has been brought by entry into WTO to the development of the middle and small enterprises of our country, and the key lies in fostering core competence to catching the opportunities, coping with the challenges and achieving success. This paper has put forward the means and measures of fostering such core competence on the foundation of analyzing the difficult position faced by Chinese middle and small enterprises.
East China Economic Management