多年来 ,我国在城乡劳动力政策设计上人为地扩大了对农村劳动力的价格歧视 ,致使农村劳动力在市场上一直处于弱势地位 ,这种歧视不但影响了劳动力市场的发育 ,而且使歧视与被歧视者同时蒙受了损失。城乡劳动力中绝大多数价值含量相同 ,应一视同仁 ,不应对农村劳动力采取价格歧视 ,要建立统一的劳动力市场 ,让城乡劳动力在同一个市场上展开公平。
The price discrimination on rural labor has been worsening in the past decades owing to the unequal treatment of the labors from urban areas and rural areas in our labor policy design. The discrimination renders work force from rural areas a disadvantageous position which not only prevents the labor market from normal development, it also harms both the discriminators and the discriminated. Most of the labors from both rural and urban areas are the same in their inherent value and should be treated equally. It is wrong to impose discrimination over them. We should, therefore, have a convergent labor market to ensure that labors from both areas can get into equal and reasonable competition in the same market.
Journal of Shanxi University of Finance and Economics