基于新古典经济学的理论框架 ,运用契约经济学等相关理论 ,从股票期权制度运作出发 ,结合影响我国股票期权制度有效性发挥的环境因素及我国实施的现状 ,可以分析出股票期权激励制度在我国的有效性 ,从而对当前出现的股票期权热进行冷静的思考 。
Making use of the relevant theories of contract economics, the authors attempts to analyze, within the framework of neoclassical economics, the stimulative effectiveness of stock option system in China. The study takes the operation of the system as a starting point and incorporates the status quo environment factors that affects the effective performance of the option system in our country. A cool-headed thought of the stock option hot is made in expectation of some inspirations on the smooth progress of the country's national economy and the reform of enterprise system.
Journal of Shanxi University of Finance and Economics