银行资金能否进入证券市场是个讨论已久的问题 ,虽然政府法规明令规定禁止银行信贷资金进入证券市场 ,但银行违规资金 (主要通过机构投资者 )流入证券市场却是个不争的事实。从资金配置效率的角度出发 ,讨论银行资金为什么要进入证券市场 。
Whether bank funds can be admitted into security market has long been a controversial issue. Although banks' credit funds are legally forbidden to get into security market, it has been an unquestionable fact that some bank funds are finding their way there (mainly through institutional investors). An examination of the reasons for the flow of bank funds into security markets from the perspective of allocative efficiency of the fund may reveal how these funds get into the security market and what effect they may have on the development of institutional investors.
Journal of Shanxi University of Finance and Economics