江泽民同志理论创新的思维个性 ,主要体现在它以形势变化对我们的要求为依据 ,强调理论创新的时代性 ;立足于眼前的建设实际 ,注重理论创新的现实有效性 ;坚持政治、经济、文化相统一 ,强调理论创新抓关键 ;从最广大人民的根本利益出发 ,强调理论创新的人民性。
Jiang Zemins creative characteristics of thought are reflected in the demands, based on the changing situation, and the stress on the needs of the times; On the basis of the present state of construction, more attention is paid to the practical results of creative theory and the major problems under the guidance of unity in politics, economy and culture; and the importance of his creative theory is attached to the peoples fundamental interests.
Journal of Ankang Teachers College