安康方言与普通话的差异主要体现在语音上 ,尤其是声母n、l不分 ;韵母 n、in与 、i 相混 ;声调调值不同 ,没有曲折调。此情况给安康人改读方音 ,学说普通话造成一定困难。但只要找出安康方言难点音 ,探索出纠正难点音的对策、方法 。
The differences between Ankang Accent and Standard Chinese can be recognized orally, e.g. the confusion of 'n, l,'; the mis-pronunciation of 'an, in, in'; and without the third pattern of Chinese intonations. It is because of them that lead to the incorrect pronunciation of the standard by Ankang people. However, once we detect the problems and find the solutions to them, can we, Ankang people, speak Standard Chinese without any trouble.
Journal of Ankang Teachers College