目的 研究当归多糖对小鼠脾淋巴细胞增殖及诱生IFN γ的影响。方法 用 4种不同浓度乙醇将当归总多糖 (AP)进行分级沉淀 ,获得AP I ,AP II,AP III和AP IV 4个部分多糖。用 [3 H] TdR参入法检测当归部分多糖对小鼠脾淋巴细胞增殖作用 ;结晶紫染色法测定IFN γ的生物活性 ;ELISA法测定IFN γ的含量。结果 AP I和AP II能明显促进体内外小鼠脾淋巴细胞增殖 ,体外显著诱导脾淋巴细胞分泌IFN γ ,增强IFN γ的生物活性 ;特别是AP II体外诱生较高含量的IFN γ ,AP I体内诱生的IFN γ生物活性较强。结论 AP I和AP II是免疫活性较强的部分。
AIM To study the effect of Angelica sinsensis polysaccharides on lymphocyte proliferation and induction of IFN-γ. METHODS Angelica sinensis polysaccharides(AP) were separated into AP-I, AP-II, AP-III and AP-IV by alcohol deposition with different concentration. The radioactivities of -TdR uptake by lymphocyte were used to determine the ability of lymphocyte. The bioactivity of IFN-γ was measured by violet crystalline dying. RESULTS AP-IV was found to be composed of Ara and Glu in the ratio of 0.99∶6.47, the molecular weight was estimated to be 5 600 . AP-I and AP-II 100 mg·kg -1 ip were found to significantly augment mice splenocyte proliferation, release IFN-γ and increase IFN-γ bioactivity. 50 μg·mL -1 AP-I, AP-II and AP-III were shown to enhance the proliferative response of the mouse spleen lymphocytes in vitro. CONCLUSION AP-I and AP-II showed higher immunoactivity than AP-III, AP-IV had no effect.
Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica
九五攻关项目 ( 96 -0 2 -0 3-0 6 )