目的 :探讨老年 2型糖尿病患者骨量减少及其相关因素的关系。方法 :采用双能X线骨密度测定仪测定 84例 2型糖尿病患者腰 2~ 4椎体和髋关节部位的骨密度 ,并与老年对照组对比。结果 :老年 2型糖尿病患者骨密度低于同龄对照组。女性患者的骨密度下降明显高于男性患者。男、女患者的髋关节骨密度下降明显高于腰椎部位。结论 :糖尿病病程、血糖控制水平及伴糖尿病肾病是BMD变化的主要影响因素。
Objective: To investigate the change of bone mineral density (BMD) in elderly type 2 diabetic patients (T 2DM) and its affecting factors Methods: BMD of 84 cases of T 2DM were measured by dual energy X ray absorptiometry and compared with 67 normal controls The BMD of lumar spines L 2~4 , fomoral neck, wards triangle, and trochantor were detected Results:BMD level was lower in elderly people with diabetes mellitus than that in control group Decrease of BMD was more marked in females than in males Decreses of BMD of hip joint regions in both females and males were more marked than in lumber regions Conculusion: Duration of diabetes, level of blood glucose and complication of diabetic nephropathy were main affecting factors in the changes of BMD
Guangzhou Medical Journal