对无锡市区 5 0家食品经营单位 1999- 2 0 0 1年的保健食品索证检查情况进行分析 ,发现保健食品批准证书的索证质量有一定的提高 ,现场索证率从 1999年的不足 5 .0 %提高到 2 0 0 1年的 83.9% (χ2 =2 2 6 .3,P<0 .0 5 ) ,而保健食品同批次检验合格证的索证状况无显著改变 ,现场索证率无差异 (χ2 =5 .9,P>0 .0 5 )。从检查情况来看 ,索证工作仍需紧抓不懈 ,国家应尽快制定统一标准及切实可行的保健食品索证办法。
The inspection of claiming certificate of approval of health food from 1999 to 2001 in 50 operating food organizations in Wuxi was analyzed. The result showed that the quality of claiming certificate of approval of health food was improved. The rate of claiming certificate of approval of health food in the spot increased from 5.0% in 1999 to 83.9% in 2001(χ2=226.3, P<0.05). However, the situation of claiming certificate of approval of same batch health food did not change and there was no significant difference for the rates of claiming certificate of approval of health food in the spot (χ2=5.9, P<0.05). Therefore, the work of claiming certificate of approval of health food needs to be strengthened continuously. The uniform standard and feasible method of claiming certificate of approval of health food should be formulated as soon as possible.
Chinese Health Service Management