乳腺肿瘤是犬的最常见的肿瘤 ,约占母犬肿瘤总数的一半 ;乳腺肿瘤约有一半是恶性肿瘤 ,发生转移的比率很高。犬乳腺肿瘤的发病原因还不很明确 ,它的形成都受哪些因子调节还未完全确定。孕激素能够诱导乳腺组织生成并蓄积生长激素 ,使乳腺增生 ,最终导致犬乳腺肿瘤的形成。在此过程中 ,雌激素受体、孕激素受体、生长激素结合蛋白和生长激素受体在乳腺癌的形成、发展中起关键作用。从内分泌的角度对犬乳腺肿瘤发病机理作了简单综述 。
Mammary tumors are common in the dog and account for about half of the canine tumor. Approximately half of the mammary tumors are malignant ones and transfer very quickly. The mechanism of mammary tumorigenesis in the dog has not been elucidated, factors which can mediate mammary tumorigenesis has not been totally defined. Progesterone could induce mammary GH excess, which contributed to the proliferation of the mammary gland, at last resulted in the formation of canine mammary tumors. ER and PR play a key role together with GHBP and GHR during the process of mammary tumorigenesis. The pathogenesis of the mammary tumors was concentrated on the endocrine point of view in this review and hopefully provided some information for appropriate hormone treatment of mammary carcinomas in the dog.
Progress In Veterinary Medicine