将草甘膦水剂分别与赤霉素、吲哚乙酸、α -萘乙酸、云大 - 1 2 0、比久、矮壮素进行复配 ,用黄瓜幼苗法测定其毒力 ,田间小区试验测定其药效。结果表明 :草甘膦与赤霉素、吲哚乙酸、α -萘乙酸、云大 - 1 2 0复配后有增效作用 ,而与矮壮素。
Glyphasate was mixed with gibberellic acid, 3 indoleacetic acid, α naphthaleneacetic acid, brassinolide(Yunda 120), daminozide(Bijun) and chlormequat respectively. The toxicity to cucumber seedlings was tested and herbicide effect in the field was examined. The results showed that the activity increased after glyphasate was mixed with gibberellic acid, 3 indoleacetic acid, α naphthaleneacetic acid and brassinolide, and the effect decreased after being mixed with daminozide and chlormequat.
Journal of Hubei Agricultural College
湖北省科技厅重点资助项目 (992P0 5 0 4 )